Autistic persons: When Lying isn’t a Problem:

Autism Expertise
4 min readNov 26, 2020
Autism worked for Einstein

Theory of Mind Difficulties

Homeschooling a child with autism

Autism is a complex mental issue. A person with autism can be a complete genius as he/she can be a completely challenged person.

Autism has many symptoms. Some of the” most common are repetitive behavior, the difficulty of speech, social isolation, etc. One of the most terrible characteristics of Autism is the famous ‘Theory of Mind’.

Many studied have been conducted and published about the famous’ theory of mind’ as it relates to autism. This theory has to do with some serious challenges that an autistic person may encounter in social relationships.

Autistic people have a different paradigm in regard to social relationships. They don’t understand why people always want to connect with others instead of simply minding their own business. They see the world from a completely different perspective and expect people to share his/her own paradigm of the world( feeling, thinking, knowledge). The capacity to be locked up in their own thought make them be very deep in thinking. These individuals fellowship better with themselves because the external world is strange to them.

Autistic people have different abilities

Einstein was a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He understood early that he was different from others. He knew he was not fitting into the world around him. As proof of this, a professor refused to recommend him as a Mathematics and Physics Teacher. Beethoven knew the same fate, he played the piano so awkwardly that his master said he was desperate as a pianist.

One thing is clear: every individual on the face of the earth is unique. Every individual is created to impart the world in one way or another because, according to the bible, there is a superior being (our Maker) who has created every individual with a unique gift (1CO7/7) and with a unique task to accomplish (Eph2/10). So, autistic children also have gifts and talent. It only suffices for one to detect them.

Because of the mental wiring of autistic people, they have an unusual inability to lie. It might seem abnormal, but it is so. They don’t even consider lying an option because they assume everyone knows the truth as they know it.

An autistic individual thinks other people are as they are. They believe that all people are truthful. It is because of this type of paradigm that they have been so much abuse sexually or in relationships. In fact, it is a rude awakening for autistic people to find out that others lie or are bad in general.

When in business, autistic people get so much abuse before realizing how untruthful people can really be. For this reason, parents with an autistic kid must learn to teach their children that the world is not populated with saints. This type of training can save their kid from future trauma in personal relationships. When they are this trained it can help them in the future. It is however true that they sometimes forget all these types of warnings because of their different mental wiring.

Some autistic children can’t just play certain games. They find it difficult to play games requiring them to keep secrets. This is a clear characteristic of the Theory of the Mind. They can’t just understand why people don’t want to say and do what is right.

Theory of Mind is still under study. Parents with autistic children or individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder need to be aware of this trait in their minds. Understanding this difficulty of the mind will go a long way in keeping people with Autism Spectrum Disorder from being harmed by dubious individuals.

Do you need more resources ( Blanket, Tools, Books) to help that Autistic Child? Watch these videos.

All that can be done for now is to keep training autistic children's social skills and involve them in games that can change or at least modify their paradigm of life. Until modern medicine finds a better way to explain the ‘Theory of Mind difficulties’ the best thing to do is be patient with autistic individuals and try to see things the way they see.

Lamp for autistic kids

Some of the materials that could help children develop social skills, acquire learning capability, better understand the world include <<special videos, software, and games. >>

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